How Does This Extend Your Power? ⚡🔌

"A nice thick cord with quality plugs. Great for my outdoor patio lighting needs. Hard to find 20’ extension cords. Most are either 15’ or 25’. Works perfect for me without having an extra length to bundle up or use multiple shorter extension cords to get the length I wanted."
- David Harding
✅ DURABLE FLEXIBILITY: Ideal for outdoor lighting, animated holiday displays, and outdoor power tools. It's equipped with weather guards for protection when not in use.

✅ SAFE: The Grounded plug and receptacle keep you safe from unexpected electrical accidents! Don't get shocked, literally!

✅ CERTIFIED: The Electrical rating is 125-volts/13-amps/1625-watts, it's also UL/CUL listed for guaranteed safety! It's a 16/3-gauge general purpose grounded extension cord.

📝 Frequently Asked Questions:
Q: Is this rated for electrical safety?
A: Yes! This is UL/CUL listed and certified to guarantee our customer's safety.