Smart And Easy Way To Water Your Garden With This Sprinkler Controller!
Is your sprinkler system failing to keep your garden moisturised? Or do you want to leave on a trip but worried that your precious plants might not get watered properly? Maybe you want to conserve time, water, and energy when watering your garden?
Whatever the reason might be a Wifi Sprinkler Controller has got your back!
Why do you need a Wifi Sprinkler Controller?
Even with a sprinkler system, watering your plants can be a chore. Worse, it either fails to water your plants or drowns them by not stopping automatically.
Both are scary results, for your garden and your bills! That’s why you need a Sprinkler controller that’s as smart as you are!
Use a Wifi Sprinkler Controller on your phone and you can easily monitor and control your sprinkler system hassle-free!
You should check it out!

Why buy our Wifi Sprinkler Controller?
Smart: By setting personalised schedules, zones and duration you can experience the ultimate in automatic sprinkler controllers just by using your phone!
Cost Efficient: Save water, save money and save time by having full remote control of your sprinklers! Going on a weekend trip then you left the sprinkles on? Not a problem, just turn them off with your phone!
Flexible: This sprinkler controller and app works with IOS, Android and all web devices, allowing you to use multiple devices to monitor large properties! Not to mention, installing the controller is easy too, it barely takes 15 minutes!
Durable: The controller is placed in a sturdy, weather-resistant case that lasts for a long time and is lockable for added security!

Frequently Asked Questions:
Q: How does the weather delay system work?
A: It works by checking the weather forecasts on the internet for your particular area through your phone, it will automatically set a rain delay and send a notification if there is a forecast of rain for the day.
Q: Will it run with any android phone? How about PCs?
A: Yes, it will work for all android models, iPhone models and web devices like PC and laptop, simply install the B-Hyve app to use it on your device
User Guide
Package Inclusions:

For the easy and automatic way of maintaining your lawn or garden, choose the SMART option! Many gardeners and growers have made the smart choice. Now it’s YOUR turn!